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Powered by Innovative Wellness Ecosystem

Crack the Wellness Code

We are a Community Owned & Community Driven Movement.

Our Innovative Wellness Ecosystem is led by Doctors, Health Heroes, Support Groups, Health Entrepreneurs and Pros, Wellness Product cum Service Providers – powered by Tech Platform and App to Scale, Access Content and Engage.

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CWC Diabetes Course

CWC-AAYM Masterclass on Yogic Sciences

    Our Initiatives

    Wellness Programs

    Focusing on evidence based Western + Eastern Best Practices, our programs are carefully designed & curated to cater diverse aspects of Wellness. With our Preventive Care techniques, we try to address the problems of Seniors, Youth & Women related to Heart Health, Behavioral Health, Cancer, Diabetes & Obesity, Diet & Lifestyle. Some of the other ailments that we address are of Eye, Skin, Dental, Rare Diseases, Neurological, Gut Health, Respiratory, etc. For inspiration and empowerment, we have Health Hero Mentoring, Wellness Support Groups, & many other initiatives.

    Past Events Glimpses

    We organized both onsite and online events with diverse formats – conferences, workshops, clinics, camps, webinars, meetups, retreats, etc.

    Our Proud

    Partners & Sponsors

    CWC Chapters

    • And Advisory Team of Doctors

    Our Community speaks for Itself

    Thank you Som, ICC and Master Henderson for doing these sessions for all of us.

    Vipin Puri, Attendee

    So happy to be here with everyone! Thank you so much ICC for bringing such wonderful programs for all of us!

    Tina Puri, Attendee

    I am one of the doctor patrons at CWC and have been associated with this organization since it’s inception. We have conducted over 100+ programs online, which were well received and have positive feedback and I am looking forward to 2021 to extend this further. I invite you all to join this program and together we can be healthier

    Dr. Srinivas Ramachandra

    I am one of the doctor patrons at CWC, in 2020 we did programs on heart disease in Indians, gut health and immunity, intermittent fasting, sleep & weight problems. In 2021 we will embrace it and expand into micro learning programs related to Covid19 nutrition and other challenges of health we see in this post covid era. Do checkout the CWC 2021 calendar

    Dr. Naras Bhat

    I am the first doctor patron with CWC who is a pediatrician. CWC aligns perfectly well with my passion for using preventative medicine to promote good healthy habits for population. As a pediatrician I decided to join CWC as voice for youth community on variable topics and also educate parents regarding few issues relevant specifically to children. This year at cwc, I am excited to offer 3 Micro learning sessions to parents that are relevant to youth and will also be offering one live session related to youth issues and possible answers to the. I hope you join with me in this movement

    Dr. Navneet Singh

    Wellness Trends & Happenings

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